Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Mapua Alumni - Family and Friends
December 18th 2011 Sunday at 1:00 PM
Sally and Jerry's Residence in 4S Ranch
Directions: 16538 Cimarron Crest Drive, San Diego CA 92127
Please bring your favorite festive Christmas Dish to share!
From: Joy Gacuya
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Wednesday June 22, 2011 4:54 pm
Subject: Remider: MAASD Meeting this Sunday June 26th at Matt and Lucy's Place
Hello All,
See you there!
Joy Gacuya
From: Joy Gacuya
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Sunday April 24, 2011 9:22 AM
Subject: MAASD April Meeting April 30th Saturday starts at noon at Joy's place
Hello All,
Reminder: MAASD meeting at my place Saturday April 30th starts at noon. Potluck meeting so please bring your favorite dish.
See you all soon!
Joy Gacuya |

March 12th Saturday 6:00 PM
Barona Valley Ranch Resort and Casino
March 12th MAASD Induction of Officers Flyer
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Wednesday March 2, 2011 9:27 PM
Subject: POTLUCK-MEETING: THIS FRIDAY March 4th 6PM at Ben and Venny Manuel's Home
Our next Potluck Meeting is on March 4th Friday 6PM
Ben and Veny Manuel's home
9086 Three Seasons Road, San Diego, 92126
Phone # 858-695-8182
See you all soon!
Tusa Enriquez | |
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Monday, January 3, 2011 12:17:45 PM
Subject: Greetings for 2011
Hello! Fellow Mapuans, families and friends,
I wish everyone had a wonderful, blessed Christmas and a joyful New Year!
Our dreams, hopes, expectations are soaring as we begin the year 2011. We thank our Lord for his continous blessings to our alumni association. Since the formation by small group of fellow alumni in 1990 and 20 years later, our alumni association remains solid and strong. I thank everyone, fellow Mapuans, families and friends, for your never-ending support, dedication, and camaraderie.
This year 2011 marks the beginning of new leadership by Joy Gacuya (2011-2012 Chairman) for our Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego. I am very proud of Joy for graciously accepting this role. I am very confident that with your support, Joy will lead us to where you wanted our alumni association to be successful.
We will have our potluck meeting on January 29th Saturday 12:00 Noon at our home 11406 Heartwood Court San Diego CA 92131. As usual please bring your specialty dish.
Tusa Enriquez
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:32 pm
Subject: ELECTION RESULTS - MAASD Officers 2011-2012
Hi! All,
Congratulations to Joy Gacuya, incoming President / Chairman, and all the officers shown on the list below.
We will hold a potluck meeting to discuss and plan for our forthcoming activities, such as Christmas Party, Caroling, Induction of Officers, others. It is scheduled on October 24th 2010 Sunday 12:00 Noon at our home: 11406 Heartwood Court San Diego CA 92131. As usual please bring your specialty dish.
Tusa Enriquez
From: Benny Valerio
Sent: Sunday, September 12, 2010 10:44:31 AM
Here is the election results for 2011-2012:
President: Joy Gacuya
1st VP: Ray Deza
2nd VP: Roy Villa
Treasurer: Frank Enriquez
1st Secretary: Andy Lopez
2nd Secretary: Jo Villa
Auditor: Sally Jabinal
PRO: Ernie Barlahan / Matt Malig
Coordinators: Ding Ahyong / Ben Manuel / Romie Lopez / Nando Sumangil / Rod Alonte / Francis Calimlim / Merito Laforteza / Rey Malacas / Hermes Torres / Rey Cordova
Scholarship Committee: Benny Valerio (Chairman) / Francis Calimlim / Oscar Veneracion
Benny Valerio
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Thursday, May 27, 2010 11:50 pm
Subject: Reminder! Memorial Weekend Walk and Grill - May 30th Sunday 3:00 PM
Hi All,
If you are in town, come join us for a Memorial Weekend gathering. Casual walk and grill May 30th Sunday 3:00 PM. Roy and Jo Villa have graciously offered their reserved gazebo at Hill Top Community Park, Rancho Penasquitos (same place where we had our Walk for the Mapua Scholar), as they will be throwing a send-off party for his son and friends who is joining the NAVY.
Let us join Roy and Jo in wishing their son a safe trip and a successful military NAVY career!
Note: Please bring your picnic chairs and a dish to share.
See you all there. Mapua friends and families are welcome. Hilltop Community Park in Penasquitos San Diego California.
For directions 9711 Oviedo Way, San Diego, CA 92129
Tusa Enriquez
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Sun, Mar 14, 2010 11:41 pm
Subject: Pre-Easter Potluck Meeting (April 3 Saturday 1 PM, Enriquez' Home)
Hi! All,
Yes, we are holding a Potluck Meeting April 3rd at 1:00 PM (Pre-Easter). Please bring your favorite dish to share. Meeting Place: For directions
11406 Heartwood Court,
San Diego
- Scholarship update
- Treasurer's Report
- Fund Raising Ideas and Plans
- Summer Picnic Plan
- Preparation for Election of Officers 2011-2012
- Community Service
- Others
Tusa Enriquez |
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Subject: December 12th 2009 Saturday 11:00 AM - MAASD Christmas Potluck Party at Rod and Rose Alonte Residence
Hello All,
Just a reminder... Our Christmas Potluck Party is already this coming Saturday. We look forward to see everyone.
Also, as suggested from last Friday's potluck caroling practice, in lieu of our traditional exchange gifts, we can still have some fun. We will have an equivalent "exchange gift" fun with no financial burden. Each member or family will bring a Christmas ornament(s) which you may find from your home to share. Should you plan to purchase one, a maximum of five dollars Christmas ornament decor is ideal for a gift to share. It can either be wrapped or unwrapped. Note: This is optional and not mandatory.
December 12th 2009 Saturday 11:00 AM - MAASD Christmas Potluck Party at Rod and Rose Alonte Residence
December 18th 2009 and 19th 2009 Friday and Saturday - MAASD Christmas Caroling
We will be visiting the "seniors or elderly" and will be singing Christmas carols with an intention of lightening up their spirit. If you know someone who you would like to schedule a visit, please email Rod Alonte rodsie@cox.net or Veny Manuel nebven2513@san.rr.com. Note: This is not a fundraising event.
Tusa Enriquez |
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Hoping to see you there!
Tusa Enriquez |
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Subject: Thank Your for Volunteering in "Feed the Homeless" at Saint Vincent de Paul's October 24th 2009
Thank you everyone for your time in today's community service (special mention to Lucille and Matt Malig, Brenda and Egay Inocentes, Ben and Veny Manuel, Rod Alonte, Larry Pascual, Andy Lopez and Ernie Barlahan). It is another great experience of giving back to our community. There has been some suggestions to schedule volunteer services to at least 2 or 3 times a year, instead of our annual commitment. I understand there are more volunteers who wanted to come, but it can only accommodate 12 volunteers max. We can make this plan happen through our willing coordinators and committed volunteers. We will plan for next meeting.
Thanks again.
Tusa Enriquez
From: Matias Malig matias_malig@att.net
Subject: [Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego] Volunteer Work Feed the Homeless at Saint Vincent De Paul
Dear MAASD Friends:
The Mapua Alumni Association San Diego is scheduled to serve lunch at Saint Vincent de Paul on Saturday, October 24, 2009 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:00 pm.
For your information, the facility requires volunteers to wear long pants, sleeved shirts, closed toe shoes and a hat. We are also required to take a 5-question “Food Handler Test”.
Thank you for participating in this opportunity to serve the needy at Saint Vincent de Paul, 505 16th St, San Diego, CA 92101 Directions. Please do not hesitate to email or call us if you have any questions.
Lucille Malig lutzmalig@yahoo.com
phone: (858) 693-7238
Brenda Inocentes tita.bah@gmail.com
phone: (858) 538-5268
Lunch Meeting
Orient Valley Food Center Penasquitos April 25th Saturday 12 noon
9879 Carmel Mountain Rd San Diego CA 92129 (858) 484-9637
MAASD 2009 -2010 Officers
2009 Induction of Officers Dinner Dance

MAASD Induction of Officers Dinner Dance Invitation and Contacts
From: Antusa Enriquez
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Thursday, 5 Feb 2009 10:32 pm
Subject: Reminder: MAASD Potluck/Meeting - February 7 Saturday 3 PM at Ernie/Edith Rabe's Home
Hi! All, Follow up reminder. Please plan to attend our next potluck-meeting which is scheduled on February 7 Saturday 3 PM at Ernie & Edith Rabe's residence in Mira Mesa. Address: 8958 Cord Lane, San Diego, CA 92126 For 8958 Cord Lane directions. Tel # (858) 880-9192; email: erdith@yahoo.com
Please email or call us if you have any question. Thanks.
Tusa Enriquez
Email: tusa_enriquez@yahoo.com
Phone: 858-414-8696
Sent: Tuesday, January 13, 2009 7:35 AM
Subject: MAPUA First Potluck Meeting for 2009
Hi! All, Hope everyone is well! Our first potluck/meeting for 2009 is scheduled on January 10th / Saturday 3 PM at Frank/Tusa Enriquez' home (11406 Heartwood Court San Diego CA 92131).
Our primary agenda is the Dinner & Dance / Induction of Officers. Please note that the ballroom at Barona Valley Resort has already been reserved by Sally Jabinal for March 28th Saturday, along with our DJ - Vic and Annie. Please mark your calendar for your attendance of this event.
See you all!
Tusa / Frank Enriquez
For directions
11406 Heartwood Court,
San Diego
92131. Home Phone: 858-549-8159 Cell Phone: 858-414-8696, Email enriquezfa@sbcglobal.net or tusa_enriquez@yahoo.com
From: Franklin O Enriquez
Sent: Friday, 9 Jan 2009 10:56 pm
Subject: MAASD Financial Statement - December 2008
In behalf of MAASD, we would like to acknowledge and thank our members and friends for their support and donation to the scholarship fund. Glad to anounce that for the month of December we have received a total of $$$$ of donation.
Christmas caroling host families: Oscar Enriquez; Ernie & Edith Rabe; Rollie and Lyn Munoz; Beda and Marlyn Galleta; Pete and Fely Vicencio.
Donation received from the mail: Ed and Precy Dizon; Nora Samia; Lito and Tess Ramirez; Pipo and Lorie Buencamino; Les & Claire Morosi.
Donation from Plant Sale: Oscar and Vera Garcia.
Donation received in January (will be included on the next report): Benny and Nancy Valerio; Fidel and Emilia Ringpis.
Again, thank you for your continued support.
Franklin Enriquez Treasurer-MAASD
MAASD Christmas Caroling December 12th 2008 and 13th 2008
Mapua Caroling December 2008 by Joy Gacuya
Saturday Caroling 6:00 PM assembly at Terra Nova Plaza in front of Bed Bath and Beyond in Chula Vista E "H" Street and Freeway 805
Friday Caroling 5:00 PM assembly at Ben & Veny's Residence 9086 Three Seasons Rd, San Diego, CA 92126.
Sent: Sunday, 7th December 2008 7:28 am
Subject: MAASD Christmas Potluck Party - Thank You Everyone!
Dear Mapua Alumni, Relatives & Friends,
We have another successful Christmas Potluck Party! This is mainly due to the excellent hospitality and generosity of our fellow Mapuan Oscar Garcia and wife Vera! On top of sumptuous foods shared by everyone, (Mang) Oscar had plants (giant bayabas, atis, bananas, mangoes, etc) prepared for great bargain prices. A total amount of $93.00 from the plant sale proceeds was donated by Oscar for our Scholarship Fund.
Please stay tuned on our next MAASD Christmas Caroling which shall be held on Friday, December 12th 2008(North) and Saturday, December 13th 2008 (South) San Diego. It is not too late to join the choir or be the host family!
Thanks everyone! We wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Joyful New Year!
Tusa Enriquez
MAASD President
MAASD Christmas Potluck Party. December 6th 2008, Saturday 11:00 AM - 5:00 PM at Oscar and Vera Garcia's residence 919 Strawberry Hill Ln, Vista CA 92084. FWY 15, Exit Gopher Canyon Road (West), left on East Vista Way, right on Strawberry Hill Lane, 4th house on the left is #919 Strawberry Hill Lane. Email: ilovebayabas@gmail.com Phone (760) 724-7341 Home 760-415-8372 Cell.
See MAASD Christmas Party Flyer
Meet MAASD Scholar Lewdan Ferrer
MAASD Scholarship Fundraising Event. November 23, 2008 Sunday Barona Casino Trip. Thank you for coming and your support!
MAASD Barona Casino Trip photos by Joy Gacuya
MAASD Barona Casino Trip photos by Nando Sumangil
September 13, 2008 Saturday 11:00 AM Picnic by the Bay. West Mission Bay, SanDiego, California USA. Ventura Cove / Ventura Point near Bahia Hotel. For Directions West Mission Bay San Diego California
Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego USA
What happened in 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008?
The Mapua Ex-Cardinals
Valerio "Amang" Lopez, now a California / Las Vegas / Philippines resident was the former Mapua Athletics director who was instrumental during the reign of Mapua varsity teams in the previous NCAA wars. Mapua Cardinals Learn More...
The Mapuan community witnesed the passion of former Mapua Cardinal players in an exhibition game held at the MIT gymnasium. The game was a part of the NAMA Mapua World, in line with the 82nd founding anniversary of Mapua Institute of Technology. National Association of Mapua Alumni (NAMA) Learn More...
| |
The Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Officer's Club Marine Corps Air Station 4472 Anderson Avenue, San Diego, CA 92145
Saturday April 13th - Social Networking (Cash Bar): 5:00 - 6:00 PM - Induction / Dinner / Dance: 6:00 - 11:00 PM
MAASD Officers for Calendar Year 2013 -2014
President: Roy Villa
1st Vice President: Raymond Deza 2nd Vice President: Bennice Edillor
1st Secretary: Mandy Reyes 2nd Secretary: Mildred Reyes
Treasurer: Frank Enriquez Scholarship Chairperson: Francis Calimlim
Contact any of the following MAASD members
Roy Villa (619) 701-5556 Joy Gacuya (858) 361-9148 Ray Deza (858) 354-0880
Francis Calimlim (619) 817-5063 Mer Laforteza (619) 262-7137
Rod Alonte (619) 850-8685 Ben Manuel (619) 861-2049 Ernie Barlahan (619) 808-9140
Mandy / Mildred Reyes (619) 370-5374 Frank / Tusa Enriquez (858) 414-8696
Mapua and It’s ABET Advantage
A Forum on Studying at Mapua Institute of Technology, Manila, Philippines
Mary Jane Casumbal
Director, Admissions and Scholarships
Arlyn Onte
Director, Corporate Communications Office
July 29, 2012 Sunday 5:00 – 9:00 PM
Doubletree by Hilton Hotel
1515 Hotel Circle South, San Diego CA 92108
See Video TFC (The Filipino Channel) Adobo Nation
Feature of Mapua event in San Diego California

Jeng Casumbal (Director, Admissions and Scholarships)
with Benny Valerio, Tusa Enriquez, Frank Enriquez, Rod Alonte
Mapua Alumni Members, Family, Friends
Alumnus Hopes to Inspire Other Mapúans

Who is Jonathan Dangue - Financial difficulties forced him to discontinue his studies for almost three years, and to make ends meet, Jonathan worked as a portrait painter in a mall. “ I also worked at a fast food chain for a while, but was fortunately granted a scholarship by the Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego, CA. so I was able to finish my course.“
An alumnus of Mapúa Institute of Technology, was creating the sculpture that won a Metrobank Art & Design Excellence (MADE), he was admittedly upset. With no concept in mind and just his emotions guiding his hands, he mindlessly weaved together the bamboo toothpicks he found in his backyard.
“It was out of desperation,” he recalled. “Instead of doing something negative, I’ve decided to channel my frustrations into something that would allow me to release my emotions.”
The 2008 architecture graduate of Mapúa, a Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego scholar. His winning piece, titled “Walang Pinanghahawakang Anuman Sa Palad,” was unanimously proclaimed the grand winner in MADE’s Sculpture category because of its originality, beating 23 other finalists.
From: Mandy Reyes
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Wednesday, April 10, 2013 1:56 pm
Subject: : MAASD Induction of Officers - Dinner-Dance
To All,
The MAASD Induction of Officers’ Dinner Dance is this coming Saturday April 13, 2013. So far, there were 111 confirmed attendees as reported last Sunday’s meeting. There’s still work to do but with everyone’s help we should be ready to have fun. Just a reminder that there will be 2 events in MCAS - Miramar Officer's Club and our MAASD Dinner-Dance will be in the right banquet room. Guests without military sticker are advised to have their Driver's License, Insurance and Car Registration ready upon entering the MCAS gate. Call Joy Gacuya at (858) 361-9148 if you are having problems at the gate.
Attached is a detailed map and directions to MCAS – Miramar Officer's Club for your information. All committee members are requested to arrive early (5:00 PM) for set-up.
For those who will not be able to make it to the event, you can still support our scholars. MAASD has been supporting scholars from the beginning and have helped many students get their education through our funding. You too can help, by sending a donation of any amount to MAASD treasurer. You may send a check payable to “MAASD”, please contact Frank Enriquez (858) 549-8159. Thank you for opening your hearts and your contributions.
From: Mandy Reyes
Sent: Thursday, March 28, 2013 11:00 am
Subject: : MEETING REMINDER - April 7, 2013 - Sunday
Hello All,
Thanks to Mr. & Mrs. Ernie Rabe for hosting our last meeting on March 22, 2013.
We had an "INSTANT FUND RAISING" that evening initiated by Hermie Samia. Everyone in attendance chip in their "loose change" and collected a whoopping $$$.$$!! It's not too late for those who wanted to contribute...
Thank you to Ernie & Edith Rabe, Rod & Rose Alonte, Roy & Jo Villa, Ernie & Fellie Barlahan, Eisen & Myrna Domingo, Hermie & Melinda Samia, Ben & Venny Manuel, Egay & Brenda Inocentes, Mandy & Mildred Reyes, Francis Calimlim, Nando Sumangil, Joy Gacuya, and Tusa Enriquez, for your generous donations.
Our event is fast approaching, we need your presence and support.
We are scheduled to meet again on
April 7, 2013 - Saturday at 1:00 PM - Potluck Lunch
Joy & Anna Gacuya's Residence
Happy Easter to everyone.
Thank You...
Mandy Reyes
From: Mandy Reyes
To: Mapua MIT Group
Sent: Monday, March 18, 2013 3:50 pm
Subject: : MAASD MEETING REMINDER - March 22, 2013 - Friday
Mandy Reyes
WITH SYMPATHY. It's hard to understand a loss like yours... but hope you know that others are thinking of you, caring about you, and wishing you comfort and peace!
Rogelio Masanga Ibarra
January 13, 1941 - April 17, 2013
Mapua Alumnus BSEE 1962 | Mapua Alumni Family and Friends You Are All Invited
August 2nd 2014 Saturday at 12:00 Noon - Summer Annual Picnic at West Mission Bay
San Diego California USA - See 2014 Photos By Ray Deza
2014 MAASD
Potluck Summer Picnic
August 2nd Saturday at 12:00 Noon
Picnic By the Bay
Join us for fun, stories, raffle and camaraderie with your fellow MAPUANS! Please bring your favorite dish and drinks to share, bring your family, bring your appetite!
Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Let's Celebrate 2014 Christmas Party - December 7th Sunday

Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
25th Anniversary & Induction of Officers - Dinner Dance - May 9th 2015

Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
See MAASD Meeting April 16, 2016 - Ben and Venny Manuel Residence
See MAASD NewsLetter December 23, 2015
Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
2015 MAASD Christmas Party - Saturday December 12th 2015

Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
2015 MAASD Summer Picnic - Saturday August 1st 2015

Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Maligayang Pasko 2016 Potluck Party
December 3rd Saturday 11:00 AM to 5:00 PM
MAASD Volunteers
St Vincent De Paul - 2016 Feeding The Homeless
October 9th Sunday

Thank you to all MAASD volunteers who made it at USS Midway Operation Remembrance last Saturday April 18, 2015
Tying yellow ribbons to the ships rail to honor the 60,000 Americans who made the ultimate sacrifice in Vietnam
Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
27th Anniversary & Induction of Officers
Dinner Dance - May 13th 2017 - Town and Country Resort – Town and Country Ballroom
MARAMING SALAMAT SA LAHAT by Mandy Reyes Greetings by Mapua Alumni - Happy Mothers Day! 2017 TOM award night at the 83rd Mapua Grand Alumni Homecoming
Saturday 27th May 2017 Centennial Hall Manila Hotel Philippines
We are Proud of You - Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Congratulations! JOY GACUYA
TOM Awardee
2017 MAASD San Diego Summer Picnic
Mapua Alumni & Friends
Tayo Na Sa Mission Bay Annual Summer Potluck Picnic
Starts 11:30 AM
Sunday - July 30th 2017
West Mission Bay San Diego California USA
Ventura Cove / Ventura Point near Bahia Hotel
Directions West Mission Bay San Diego California
Mapua Alumni Association of San Diego
Maligayang Pasko Na Naman
2017 Potluck Party - December 10th Sunday 12:00 Noon to 5:00 PM
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Here are some pictures taken during our Christmas party last December 10th 2017
Thank you
Mandy Reyes (President 2017 - 2018) |